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Unité mixte de recherche
Stress Environnementaux et BIOsurveillance des milieux aquatiques
Moyens techniques
Parc Technologique ALATA - BP2 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte
My research aims to develop models and methods for the assessment of ecotoxicological risk. Part of my research is focused on the models developed to take into account the exposure of organisms, while the other two parts present the characterization of the ecotoxicological hazard at biological organization level (population) and temporal scale (genetic adaptation), relevant for management of ecotoxicological risks. I have developed, calibrated and analyzed simple toxicokinetic models and other physiology-based mechanistic (PBPK) models based on the “dynamic energy budget” theory (DEB / DEBtox model), and individual-based models of the population dynamics (IBM). These various studies were mainly carried out on teleost fish: the gambusia (Gambusia holbrookii), the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and the zebrafish (Danio rerio). These models based on mechanisms with many parameters, their analysis and calibration prompted me to take an interest in numerical methods of analysis and calibration of complex models without an analytical solution.
Improve the analysis of ecotoxicological experiment in experimental ecosystems (mesocosms)
Modelling endocrine disruption in fish at different biological levels
Certain chemicals possess the ability of modulating the endocrine systems and are associated with reproductive and developmental dysfunctions, probably related to abnormal levels of circulating steroids hormones. Endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) are of great ecotoxicological concern because of their potential harmful effects on humans and wildlife, including fish.